Papel de los cereales en la alimentación infantil

  1. Vicente Varea Calderón
  2. Jaime Dalmau Serra
  3. Rosa A. Lama More
  4. María Rosaura Leis Trabazo
Acta pediátrica española

ISSN: 0001-6640

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 71

Issue: 4

Pages: 91-98

Type: Article

More publications in: Acta pediátrica española


In the first year, the breastfeeding is the gold standard for at least the first 6 months, but there is some dispersion of trends when it reaches the age of introducing complementary feeding. Traditionally, cereals are and have been the first foods that have been recommended as the start of complementary feeding. In recent times there has been a decline that is possibly related to some negative stereotypes so we thought it timely to update its role. The physiological characteristics of the first years of life are circumstances that are very important to get a good fit in the progression of food in response to the new capabilities will be acquired, in these early years, preferably in their digestive, renal and neuromuscular functions. Cereals are an excellent source of nutrition, but not everyone has the same properties, so it reviews the composition thereof, to assess the benefits that they have to the health of children, as well as the energy input is needed to cover their needs, and to avoid protected of deficits in vitamins and trace elements. Not only the quantity is important, it is undoubtedly the quality of them and place them in a context of varied and balanced diet that helps compensate the rest of the contributions. Being important cereals in the diet of our children, we should remember some updated recommendations in different periods of life will have on their use, either in the form of porridge in the early days, as more complex grain more advanced age and highlight the effect that conserve importance in the early years if used correctly.