Ecosystem functioning of protected area networks.A remote sensing assessment across socio-ecosystem contexts

Supervised by:
  1. Javier Cabello Director
  2. Domingo Alcaraz-Segura Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 18 December 2015

  1. Julio Peñas de Giles Chair
  2. Cecilio Oyonarte Gutiérrez Secretary
  3. Artur José Freire Gil Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 399623 DIALNET


Protected area (PA) networks constitute the greatest global effort to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES). The effectiveness of PAs to achieve this purpose depends on how well connected and coherently managed the areas are, even across political boundaries. The main objective of this PhD Thesis was to incorporate the remotely-sensed characterization of ecosystem functioning in the assessment of the effectiveness of PA networks. To achieve this goal, the representativeness of the national park networks of Spain, Portugal and Morocco to capture the regional heterogeneity of ecosystem functioning was assess, as well as the role of these networks in the provision of the ES of carbon gains. Then, to support the definition of common transboundary management goals, functional ecological similarities between the ecosystems of PAs of southern Spain and northern Morocco were identified. Finally, the relative influence that environmental factors, management actions and socioecological context had on the recent changes in the ecosystem functioning of these PAs was analyzed and their implications for transboundary management were evaluated. In the representativeness analysis, the national park networks of Spain, Portugal and Morocco showed gaps and biases in their representation of ecosystem functional heterogeneity and in the provision of the ES of carbon gains. The spatial configuration of the parks did not present, in any country, clear options of win-win parks in terms of high functional diversity and high carbon gains. In the similarity analysis from baseline conditions, groups of PAs with similar ecosystem functioning on both sides of the BaeticRifan arch were found, but the protection of the ecosystem functioning typical from high Mediterranean mountain and low coast mountain was exclusive to the Baetic Range. The PAs of the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean showed the same type of ecosystem functioning. In the same way, PAs in arid zones showed similar functional behavior in both countries. This functional similarity could be the basis for the coordination of management policies and the declaration of new transboundary reserves. Finally, when analyzing the recent changes in ecosystem functioning, groups of PAs showing the same syndrome of trends in primary production regardless of the country were also found. Trends changed from positive to negative from east to west. However, in each longitudinal strip, trends differed between countries in magnitude and seasonal dynamics. These spatial patterns of changes in ecosystem functioning seem to be related with the different regional climate trends from east to west, and with the use and management differences between southern Spain and northern Morocco. The results of this PhD Thesis show how remote sensing allows the introduction of the new conservation paradigm which integrates the ecosystems functions and services in the assessment of PA networks. In addition, the regional approach has allowed the analysis across different socio-ecosystem contexts both at country and transboundary scale. The obtained results in the characterization of reference conditions and recent changes in PAs can help to guide the interregional coordination and international cooperation in the development of conservation actions, not only under average conditions but also to address ongoing environmental changes.