Literatura, lectura y diversidad

  1. Chovancova, Lucía
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Javier García Castaño Director
  2. Juan Mata Anaya Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 08 November 2018

  1. Laura Selene Mateos Cortés Chair
  2. María Rubio Gómez Secretary
  3. Ana María Margallo González Committee member
  4. Antonia Olmos Alcaraz Committee member
  5. José Manuel de Amo Sánchez Fortún Committee member

Type: Thesis


ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis analyzes the cultural diversity management in socio-educational uses of the literary phenomenon. This research focuses on two models of using literature and reading as a tool for socio-educational intervention aimed to address social issues and to alleviate inequalities. The first model is located within a broader setting of intercultural education and it defends employing specific literature to deal with potential problems resulting from schooling foreign immigrants. We examine this model by the means of a critical review of the bibliography produced on this topic by researchers from the educational field. The second model is an example of emerging practices of collective literary interpretation: Asociación Entrelibros, a non-governmental organization devoted to reading aloud and talking around literature as a way of accompanying persons in situations of difficulty. We employ ethnographic method to explore this initiative. In both cases we focus on existence and handling of social categorizations, on the role that processes of differentiation, identification and alterization play in them, and on the distribution of the access to enunciation. These analysis axes allow us to detect the different ways in which the diversity inherent in human cohabitation is managed by action of these initiatives.