Satisfacción, motivación y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de Secundaria y Bachilleratoantecedentes, diseño, metodología y propuesta de análisis para un trabajo de investigación

  1. Baños, Raúl
  2. Ortiz-Camacho, María del Mar
  3. Baena-Extremera, Antonio
  4. Tristán-Rodríguez, José Leandro
Espiral. Cuadernos del profesorado

ISSN: 1988-7701

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 10

Issue: 20

Pages: 40-50

Type: Article

DOI: 10.25115/ECP.V10I20.1011 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Espiral. Cuadernos del profesorado

Sustainable development goals


There are several contextual variables that influence the satisfaction, motivation and academic performance of adolescents in school, giving importance to the teacher figure. The aim of this work will be to analyze the satisfaction profiles, motivation and the learning climate in function of the academic performance of the student and the competition of the teachers as well as to exemplify the design, methodology and possible analysis to be carried out in order to respond to the stated objectives. The sample will be composed of 890 PE students (442 men and 448 women), with a mean age of 15.49 years (SD = 1.79) belonging to public and private ESO and BACH centers in the Region of Murcia and Alicante. The instrument to be used will be a questionnaire composed by the scales: Academic Performance, Satisfaction with Life (SATV), Satisfaction with School (ISC), Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scales (ETCS), Perceptions of Teachers Emphasis on Goals Questionnaire (PTEGQ), Physical Education Classroom Instrument (PECI), Intention to Partake in Leisure-Time Physical Activity, Importance and Utility of Physical Education (IEF). In this article we present the design of the research. We believe that the results obtained will have a great impact on the Spanish educational system and will incite to reflect on different aspects of the curriculum in secondary and high school.

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