Modelo de predicción de las metas de logro en Educación Física
- Baena Extremera, Antonio 1
- Granero Gallegos, Antonio 2
- Ortiz Camacho, María del Mar 1
- Baños, Raúl 3
Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Almería
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
ISSN: 1132-2462
Year of publication: 2018
Issue: 50
Pages: 23-32
Type: Article
More publications in: Habilidad Motriz: revista de ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte
The goal was to found a prediction model of 2x2 achievement goals based *on a matrix* of motivation and satisfaction about high school students. The sample has been taken of 758 students (347 men and 411 women) from public high schools in Murcia Region. The age of students are between 13 & 18 years old (M = 15.22, SD = 1.27). The questionnaire used was composed by the Sport Satisfaction Instrument, the Sport Motivation Scale and the Achievement Goals Questionaire. Descriptive analyzes, correlations and structural equation models were performed. The results show high values in positive satisfaction, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and preliminary approach, showing positive correlations between them. Finally, satisfaction is shown as an important predictor of intrinsic motivation, and this one, as a predictor of the mastery approach, being negative with mastery avoidance. Extrinsic motivation essentially predicts non action issue.
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