Caracterización del contenido en nitratos y pesticidas en las aguas subterráneas del Campo de Dalias (Almería)

  1. A. Vallejos 1
  2. L. Molina 1
  3. A. Pulido Bosch 1
  4. F. Sánchez Martos 1
  5. J. Gisbert 1
  1. 1 Dpto. Hidrogeología, Universidad de Almería
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Año de publicación: 2004

Título del ejemplar: VI CONGRESO GEOLÓGICO DE ESPAÑA (Zaragoza, 12-15 julio, 2004)

Número: 6

Páginas: 193-196

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geotemas (Madrid)


The hydrogeological system of the Campo de Dalias has a complicated geology, due to its complex tectonics and stratigraphy. The entire area is exploited for agriculture due to the great economic value of crops grown in greenhouses in a semiarid climate. The relatively high nitrate concentrations usually arise as a result of organic pollution. This type of agriculture under plasticis generally accompanied by a variety of pesticides, including organochlorides, organophosphates,carbamates and it can also generate large quantities of nitrates. During 1999, the consumption ofphytosanitary products in Almería province was 7038 Tm, half of which was applied in the Campode Dalias. The various aquifer units are affected in different ways. Some areas are characterized bythe presence of permeable terrains such as gravel, sand, conglomerates and silts, where the water-table is shallow so that the agricultural activity alters the natural composition of the groundwater.This paper indicates the situation of the Campo de Dalias aquifers with respect to nitrate and pesticide pollution arising from agricultural practices.