Bienestar emocional en educaciónempecemos por los maestros

  1. María Elena García Jiménez
  1. Olivia López Martínez Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2017(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 14

  1. Leonor Buendía Eisman Presidentea
  2. Raquel Gilar Corbí Idazkaria
  3. Fuensanta Monroy Hernández Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Currently, and progressively, there is already recognition of the importance of developing, in addition to cognitive abilities, emotional ones. The inclusion of emotional education in the curriculum is a reality, not only from the methodological point of view (educating with affection) but also as part of the theoretical-practical knowledge that is taught in the classroom. For this we must consider the fundamental role that teachers play in the development of the emotional capacities of their students. There are many professionals dedicated to this field who agree to claim the need for an adequate training that will provide them with a series of tools to help them achieve their own personal and professional well-being so they can transmit and accompany the students in their emotional development, in To achieve the goal of education: the integral development of the child. This education of the whole person will be present in all stages of the educational process and not only in the beginning. From positive psychology, it is stated that, in order to facilitate the development and happiness or well-being of both the students and their teachers, it is necessary to generate positive moods and positive emotions in the classroom. The direct responsibility for carrying out this task is, therefore, the teachers. But it is not a mere transmission of knowledge; Through our attitude, our comments and behaviors towards the students we are acting as models and referents, while giving back information about the image we have of them, which especially affects their self-esteem. For this reason, the emotional competences must occupy a main place in the training of the teachers, within the new European Space of Higher Education. Knowledge of emotions should not remain in a transverse content or base their knowledge on conceptual aspects, but should be treated explicitly. For this reason, the objective of this work is, on the one hand, to analyze the emotional state of teachers; And on the other, to present an Emotional Well-Being Program for teachers. We will take into account both theories of Emotional Intelligence (Salovey and Mayer) and positive psychology, based on well-being (Seligman). Through the application of our proposal we provide the teachers with the necessary training and strategies to manage their emotions appropriately, appropriating them to be able to bring to the classroom a methodology that favors the own well-being and that of the students, thus improving, as shown The results obtained, their optimism, their level of emotional intelligence or their self-esteem. In short, it is intended to continue renewing that motivation that makes the teacher use their strengths to put them at the service of the teaching process.