La enseñanza de lengua extranjera (inglés) en 4º de eso.De la teorización a la realidad de la praxis docente

Dirigée par:
  1. María Remedios Sánchez García Directrice
  2. María del Carmen Quiles Cabrera Co-directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Almería

Fecha de defensa: 05 juillet 2021

  1. Aurora Martínez Ezquerro President
  2. María del Mar Campos Fernández-Fígares Secrétaire
  3. Fernando Valverde Rodriguez Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 672173 DIALNET lock_openriUAL editor


In this thesis, we make a deep reflection of the reasons that have led to the reality that teachers have to face every day: students who are increasingly unmotivated in the teaching-learning processes of a second language. The starting point focuses on the verification of the deficient command of literary and literary competence in the mother tongue according to the latest reports issued by PISA, which consequently complicates the learning of another language. This circumstance has created a feeling of helplessness and abandonment among teachers who suffer this reality every day without the possibility of reformulating the didactic programs to give effective responses to the situation of the students. Also, we try to make an analysis of the situation of the current educational legislation, focusing on the problems that we have to deal with in the field of Secondary Education and Bachillerato and that are not considered in current legislation. Starting from a deep analysis of the present theoretical framework, we provide a reflection on the extracurricular factors that intervene in this teaching-learning process and that, although they are not inherent to our subject or the development of the academic curriculum itself as a whole, end up conditioning the interest in learning of current learners. Finally, from the consideration that extralinguistic and extraliterary factors determine the effective development of the curriculum, we provide a complete didactic program of the subject of English to work in 4th year of ESO in order to highlight the worrying deficiencies of an educational system that, such and as we have tried to demonstrate in this thesis, it is subordinated to a compendium of pedagogical theories that do not fit the real educational context where they have to be implemented and that do not effectively address what it means to teach and learn in Secondary Education classrooms in The 21st century.