Análisis de competencias digitales de docentes y estudiantes de enseñanza superior para implementar una evaluación formativa con tecnologías

  1. Fernández Medina, Carlos Rafael
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Manuel Cebrián de la Serna Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 05 von März von 2021

  1. Jesús Domingo Segovia Präsident
  2. María José Latorre Medina Sekretärin
  3. Manuela Raposo Rivas Vocal
  4. Antonio R. Bartolomé Pina Vocal
  5. Soledad Domene Martos Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This research is framed in the context of higher education transformations, a process in which new study plans are proposed and elaborated, from which distance, blended and face-to-face education modalities are promoted, strengthening the protagonism of the student in the performance of an active role in the teaching-learning process and promoting innovation in formative assessment processes with a high component of the use of technologies. For the effective achievement of the implementation of technologies in the formative evaluation processes, it is necessary to know the potentialities of the actors in the teaching-learning process, identify their training and training needs, so the proposed project aims to evaluate the digital skills of teachers and students of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences of the Agrarian University of Havana for the implementation of a formative evaluation with technologies. The research seeks to respond to the need to know what digital competences do teachers and students have for the integration of technologies in these processes, and subsequently design guides and intervention guidelines. The study is carried out in a population of 41 teachers and 214 students of the degrees in Law and Sociocultural Studies, in the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences, of the Agrarian University of Havana. With the application of techniques and tools of the empirical level of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, a diagnosis of the levels and needs of digital skills training is obtained; as well as the context, which allows to know the strengths and weaknesses, for a methodological change in the formative evaluation processes with portfolio technologies and electronic rubrics. In its structure, the research presents the theoretical framework, where the conception of evaluation is approached in the first instance, with emphasis on its formative function. Next, it investigates the antecedents and state of the art regarding research on portfolios and electronic rubrics as technologies and methodologies for formative assessment processes. Finally, standards and models of ICT competencies of teachers and students are analyzed, which made it possible to identify the instruments used in the research. After the analysis of the theoretical references, the data obtained from the application of questionnaires and group interviews with teachers and students are analyzed, achieving a comparison between the domain and the needs expressed by the teachers, as well as the skills, expectations and attitudes. of the students. For the discussion of the results, through the methodological triangulation procedure, the results of the applied instruments and the theoretical approaches are contrasted, which allowed reaching conclusions and making an intervention proposal.