Geopolítica y modelos de desarrollo aplicados al territorioEl caso del fracking en la provincia de Jaén y en otras escalas espaciales

  1. García Delgado, Pablo Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. María Teresa Camacho Olmedo Director
  2. Rafael Hernández del Águila Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 08 June 2021

  1. José Domingo Sánchez Martínez Chair
  2. Marina Frolova Ignatieva Secretary
  3. Alberto Matarán Ruiz Committee member
  4. Jorge Riechmann Fernández Committee member
  5. Óscar Carpintero Redondo Committee member

Type: Thesis


This project tries to collect a critic reflect about the impact on a definite territory that the hydrocarbon wells have, particularly, the use of fracking. It has expanded by Unites States at last years and now, it could start to expand by Europe, where there are people`s opposition movements which have a relative force in some regions. It tries to show the connection between different territorial scale levels on world capitalist economy, whose engine is fossil fuel energy until now. This model is going to crisis because of the oil peak. The hydraulic fracture is an attempt of big oil companies to keep their power in the face of adversity, which is created by the faster and faster resources consumption rate because of world capitalism operation.