La dramatización como recurso y estrategia en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en estudiantes universitarios polacos

  1. Nowakowska, Paulina
  1. Maria Falska Zuzendarikidea
  2. Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2020(e)ko maiatza-(a)k 25

  1. María Remedios Sánchez García Presidentea
  2. Stephen Pearse Hughes Idazkaria
  3. María Águeda Moreno Moreno Kidea
  4. Fernando Azevedo Kidea
  5. Moisés Selfa Sastre Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The main goal of the present study is to investigate the impact of using the drama as a tool in teaching Spanish as a foreign language for freshmen in Polish collage, introducing an alternative method of teaching, which will fully engage the students in the learning process, will integrate their cognition, emotions and actions, will stimulate their motivation and develop conscious learning. To achieve mentioned above goals, didactic program based on drama was designed and introduced. The roots of the program come from constructivism and derive from theory of meaningful learning of David Ausubel, Bloom’s Taxonomy, embodied cognition and emotional education. Didactic project fits in with the communicative approach, task-based learning, meaningful, cooperative and intercultural learning. During execution of the investigation the embedded quantitative dominant mixed method was used to analyze the variables. Quantitative quasi-experimental method was the leading one with supplementation of descriptive and qualitative methods. Program was carried out among the group of 30 freshmen of Spanish Philology with A2 to B1 language skills level, at the Maria Curie Sklodowska University of Lublin (Poland). Students were divided into two groups: experimental and control group. Introduction of different research methods aimed to fulfill explanations of the subject and deliver information regarding: linguistic aspects, socialcultural knowledge, non-verbal communication, emotional aspects, motivation, cooperation, creativity, atmosphere and students’ experiences and opinions about using drama in classes. A result of the research among students from experimental group shows significant statistical increase of: lexical and intercultural competences, internal and integration motivation, motivation for Spanish learning, attitude towards himself as a Spanish language student and attitude towards Hispanic culture. The study shows that using drama in teaching Spanish as a foreign language significantly improve developing many competences and language skills among Polish students and confirms validity of incorporation and using drama in Spanish classes at university and this tool has high educational value for young-adults students.