An acurate and robust numerical scheme for transport equations

  1. Llorente Lázaro, Víctor Javier
Dirigée par:
  1. Antonio Pascau Benito Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Zaragoza

Fecha de defensa: 22 octobre 2020

  1. Esteban Ferrer Vaccarezza President
  2. Adrian Navas Montilla Secrétaire
  3. Johannes Hendrikus Maria Ten Thije Boonkkamp Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


In this thesis, we present a novel discretization technique for transport equations in convection-diffusion problems across the whole range of Péclet numbers. The discretization employs the exact flux of a steady-state one-dimensional transport equation to derive a discrete equation with a three-point stencil in one-dimensional problems and a five-point stencil in two-dimensional ones. With "exact flux" it is meant that the exact solution can be obtained as a function of integrals of some fluid and flow parameters, even if these parameters are variable across a control volume. High-order quadratures are used to achieve numerical results close to machine-accuracy even with coarse grids. As the discretization is essentially one-dimensional, getting the machine-accurate solution of multidimensional problems is not guaranteed even in cases where the integrals along each Cartesian coordinate have a primitive. In this regard, the main contribution of this thesis consists in a simple and elegant way of getting solutions in multidimensional problems while still using the one-dimensional formulation. Moreover, if the problem is such that the solution is machine-accurate in the one-dimensional problem along coordinate lines, it will also be for the multidimensional domain.