Utilización de árido reciclado en morteros de albañilería

Supervised by:
  1. Ignacio Valverde Palacios Director
  2. Montserrat Zamorano Toro Director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 05 April 2019

  1. Manuel Fernández Cánovas Chair
  2. Mónica López Alonso Secretary
  3. María José Martínez Echevarría Committee member
  4. Ángela Barrios Padura Committee member
  5. Manuel Carpio Martínez Committee member

Type: Thesis


The construction sector is one of the most important economic sectors in the European Union due to its contribution to the generation of wealth and employment. However, it consumes approximately half of all natural resources and generates almost one third of all waste, and this has a major impact on the environment. This sector, therefore, is a key factor in the EU’s transition to a circular economy, in which resources maintain their value for longer and waste generation is minimised in order to achieve a sustainable, hypocarbonic, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The use of recycled aggregates obtained from the treated mineral fraction of construction and demolition waste as a replacement for natural aggregates can reduce the consumption of natural resources and the corresponding environmental impact, since it reduces landfill disposal and maintains the value of resources for longer in the economy. However, recycled aggregate is seldom used due to lack of confidence in its quality, lack of specific standards, or the low price of natural aggregate. In addition, the nature and composition of recycled aggregate (waste of concrete, ceramic, mortar, etc.) together with its impurity content, give the aggregate higher density and water absorption capacity compared to natural aggregate. This latter limitation is increased in the fine fraction of recycled aggregate, which has very limited use in applications subject to high technical requirements. Therefore, applications that do not limit the use of fine recycled aggregate, such as masonry mortars, must be found. Preliminary studies have shown that the greater amount of water needed to improve the consistency of mortar containing recycled fine aggregate, due its higher water absorption capacity, is detrimental to its compressive strength. This is why, the incorporation of 50% recycled fine aggregate does not usually give satisfactory results. Furthermore, we found no evidence of studies that analyse the use of recycled fine aggregate in mortar in terms of the life cycle assessment of the product. Therefore, the main aim of this study has been to evaluate the use of recycled fine aggregate obtained from the treated mineral fraction of C&DW in the manufacture of masonry mortars from the technical and environmental perspective. After testing different dosages, according to standard EN 998-2, in which natural fine aggregate was replaced with different percentages of recycled fine aggregate (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%), the total water/cement ratio of the mortar, and the amount of air-entraining plasticizer admixture, we found that the recycled fine aggregate studied is suitable for the manufacture of general purpose masonry mortar (G), class M5 (> 5 N/mm2) with a plastic consistency of ≥140 mm. Up to 50% of natural fine aggregate can be replaced with recycled fine aggregate without the need to increase the water content of the mortar, and up to 100% if pre-soaked recycled fine aggregate is used. From the environmental perspective, the life cycle assessment carried out in accordance with the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards has shown that the use of recycled fine aggregate reduces the environmental impact associated with masonry mortars by eliminating the need to transport and dispose of the construction and demolition waste in landfills. Environmental impacts are reduced by up to 94% in the Land Use category and by 3.3% in PM2.5 eq emissions. In addition, replacing natural fine aggregate with recycled fine aggregate reduces the extraction and consumption of natural resources and maximises resource efficiency. 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