Uso de las tic (tecnologia de la informacion y comunicacion) para la gestion de la calidad de la investigacion en la universidad

Dirigida por:
  1. Idoya Luisa Calvo Alonso Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 18 de abril de 2007

  1. Antonio Monge Vega Presidente/a
  2. Guillermo García del Barrio Secretario/a
  3. Pablo Ortiz Betes Vocal
  4. Juan Ruiz Echeverria Vocal
  5. Jesús Banqueri Ozáez Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 301001 DIALNET


TITULO: USO DE LAS TIC (TECNOLOGÍA DE LA INFORMACIÓN Y LA COMUNICACIÓN) PARA LA GESTIÓN DE LA CALIDAD DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN LA UNIVERSIDAD. RESUMEN: Use of the CIT ( Comurricatión and Information Technologies ) for Quality Management at University, Saioa Meoqui, Faculty of Pharmacy, university of Navarra, 2007. The use of Information and Comunicatión Techonologies (ICT) make possible designing and developing an informatic support tool, capable of integrating all the management in a single system. The use of ict in aspects of integrates management such as quality, nealtn and safety assesment and administrative and economic management as an example in university biomedical research, provides us competitive advantages; like working in a good practice environment, coordinating data that generates the different activities to distribute them to any point of the system, coordinating flows and information registers that are necessary for the development of the process', helping communication in a horizontal and vertical way between the different departments, units or services that take part in university research, improving the efficiency of management process' used in research projects, gadenng, elaborating and distributing reports for activities of direction and control to take decisions, promoting the relation between enterprise and university. it is decided to apply process management as a work methodology for development of the informatic tool and at the same time specifying its conteni, creating a reingeneering of management proces' giving a plus to university research. The standard UNE 166002 has been taken as a reference which gives a management of research structure and the quality system certicate that has been validated by the Quality Assurance Unit of university of Navarra, which will allow fullfiling the critical elements of the standars requirements. Eight modules are identified, formed by 44 process, 113 activities and over 200 connexions between them and other systems. For each process design requirements have been described and workflows have been elaborated; where in an exhaustive way flows have been detailed, the generated documentation and the correspondent responsible. The tool described in this work, allows us making analysis and measurement activities, which will be an improvement of efficiency and work affectivity of the research management system, and a bigger control of the existing resources there are improving constantly and getting a better quality research