El Arte que nace de la naturaleza. Arte contemporáneo y Culturas de la floresta

  1. Pires Vieira, Miriam Helena
Dirigée par:
  1. Pedro Osakar Olaiz Directeur
  2. Amalia Belén Mazuecos Sánchez Directrice

Université de défendre: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 08 avril 2021


Type: Thèses


This work deals with contemporary art in a way that dialogues with nature. For which we shape the main formal, material, symbolic and, above all, conceptual components that identify the art that nourishes itself from the tropical forest, comparing some manifestations that emanate of Brazilian indigenous societies productions and their influence on contemporary artistic proposals. We identified the basic essence of the contemporary artistic aspect, in those cases that use the natural environment as a place of identification. We work in a multidisciplinary way with an open articulation, and we are interested in embracing a double vision: one view is synchronic, in which it is situated in the same chronological plan and the place of origin: the forest; the people who live there and maintain their ancestral habits, and contemporary proposals that are involved in the same referential framework. The other view, diachronic, compels us to consider the chronological emplacements that these cultures occupy with respect to our contemporary and, therefore, of the different conceptions and forms, historically, which implies to contemporary productions.