Educación intercultural bilingüe en el colegio San Juan Bautista de Santiago de los Caballeros (República Dominicana)percepciones y valoraciones de sus protagonistas

  1. Coronado De Grullon, Eulalia Mercedes
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Remedios de Haro Rodríguez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 22 von November von 2019

  1. Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena Präsident
  2. Andrés Escarbajal Frutos Sekretär/in
  3. Juan José Leiva Olivencia Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This work is classified in the area of Bilingual Intercultural Education from the perspective of its application in an educational center in the Dominican Republic. The term interculturality refers to the existence of relationships based on respect on equal measures between different cultural groups. Nowadays it is a reality that, cultural diversity is present in almost all the spaces where the human being develops, which causes new lifestyles. Accordingly, it is necessary to find tools for the development of skills that allow harmonious coexistence among all people, regardless of place of birth or origin. Changes generated by scientific and technological progress have caused cultural and human movements, determining the type of existing society, so that, new responses are also required in the educational field to meet the demands emanating from this new context. It is evident that the very same nature of the educational process represents the ideal way to make the interesting phenomenon of multiculturalism the one that leads humanity to open and inclusive scenarios, capable of turning the existing cultural differences into wealth. Intercultural education is responsible for providing the necessary tools to develop such intercultural competencies. Therefore, it is necessary to review and create educational systems that respond effectively to this global imperative. In this sense, the general purpose of this research work is to assess the development of the bilingual intercultural education curriculum of San Juan Bautista school, in Santiago de los Caballeros (Dominican Republic), from the perceptions of its members (teachers, students and families). This objective has been summarized in: knowing the teachers' perception of the Center's Educational Project from an intercultural perspective; assess whether the center's curriculum favors after its implementation, the development of intercultural knowledge, skills and attitudes in teachers, students and families; and establishing proposals heading to improve the bilingual intercultural education curriculum present in the institution. The investigation method adopted has been quantitative, non-experimental and descriptive in nature, using the survey method for collecting information on the protagonists of this study. For the data analysis, we used the statistical package called Statistical Program for the Social Sciences, better known internationally for its acronym in English SPSS, in its version 15.0 After analyzing and discussing the information collected, it can be concluded by pointing out the benefits of the bilingual intercultural education curriculum implemented in the center under study, since it meets the theoretical requirements proposed by this educational model. He has also developed knowledge, skills and attitudes in the educational community towards multiculturalism, encouraging the promotion of interculturality. The results of this work actually emphasize the need to create school spaces that encourage and promote inclusion and peaceful coexistence among all people. In spite of the good results obtained, proposals for improvement to be carried out in the center have been identified after the study carried out such as: the improvement of initial and permanent teacher training in the area of bilingualism and intercultural education; and invites the continuation with the path begun to immerse continuous action research processes to improve its proposals and offer quality, equitable and intercultural education.