Utopía y distopía en clave de ciencia ficción en la novelística de Edmundo Paz Soldán

  1. Cuenca Pozo, Cristian
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Vicente Cervera Salinas Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Ana Gallego Cuiñas Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 von September von 2020

  1. Álvaro Salvador Jofre Präsident
  2. María Dolores Adsuar Fernández Sekretär/in
  3. Bernat Garí Barceló Vocal

Art: Dissertation


Science fiction is a recent field in the study of literature. Above all, in the Spanish language it has been a narrative genre battered by time, and more specifically it has been on the Latin American scene. However, in the 21st century, the mentality of man advances by leaps and bounds. Hence, science and technology have become a whole new social paradigm. On the contrary, the study of utopia has been a very popular subject throughout history. In America it has undoubtedly been a dream paradise. In the study of Latin American literature, it has been resolved as its past, as its present and as its future in search of El Dorado, Eden, the promised land, the idyllic space, etc. On the other hand, the current germ of science fiction facilitates its study based on two true circumstances: a more recurring interest by writers and researchers. In addition, thanks to scientific-technological innovations, the research facilities of your study are increasing. Already in Latin America, the Bolivian writer Edmundo Paz Soldán (1967) represents a milestone within the genre for being one of the most innovative and innovative Spanish voices of this phenomenon. He has dared to merge science fiction and utopia in his latest works, bringing together the literary weapons of the Latin American past and contemporary global architecture to head towards a literature of the future. From the concept of utopia to the very concept of science fiction that the author develops, we will focus on his novel to study the perfect fusion that he executes, which makes the writer one of the most promising voices of the 21st century. In this way, in our study we will make a subgrade of the concept of utopia within the field of science fiction. Likewise, we will use the symbology of the arguments and the most prominent personalities of the narrative corpus to demonstrate that the pazsoldian literature works as a dystopia in the key of science fiction.