El concepto de sûraanálisis diacrónico comparado de la terminología de la imagen en la lengua árabe y las escrituras islámicas

  1. El Yaakoubi El Harchami, Narjiss
Dirigida per:
  1. Pablo Beneito Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 08 de de novembre de 2019

  1. Pierre Lory President/a
  2. José Miguel Puerta Vílchez Secretari
  3. Fátima Roldán Castro Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Abstract The topic of ''the image in Islam'' is a very complex yet interesting one to research. Everytime an image of the profet Muhammad is published, people inside the muslim world consider that act to be provocartive. This thesis regarding the arabic concept of ??ra, translated to english as image, form or figure, aims to accomplish a study about the terminology of the image in the Arab language and Islamic scriptures, offering an analysis diachronic compared, and my intent is to contribute to give answers to the big controversy that surrounds the issue of image in Islam I have to say that this thesis responds to the interdisciplinary methodological treatment which goal is not to analyze the Arab term ??ra from the point of view of an art historian, but to approach a diachronic compared and hermeneutic vision, this would allow to reconstructor the linguistic, historical and cultural, context. Which, ultimately, would allow to establish the etymology of the term and its connections with other semantic camps to which it has been linked. It's therefore a questioning between the connection of ??ra, creation and semantic Camp of the constructed idolatry of the prophetic texts. The first part of the thesis, had as a primary goal to study the meanings of the roots ?-xw-r in the pre-islamic poetry, given that they are the only texts that pass down the the literary tradition before new Concepts got introduced by the arrival of Islam. Secondly, I studied, on one side, the terms related to the image in the registered dictionaries of the Arabic language between the 7th century and the 18th after Christ. On the other hand, I focused on the Hebrew terms related to image. This way, and through the analogy performed between the term ??ra and it's terminology inside the Arabic language, with this and the Hebrew language, I have established the original meaning of the Arabic term and it's evolution. The second part of this thesis aims at verifying new meanings of the term ??ra that have been adapted in the Islamic scripture. Starting off with commentators of different juridical schools, I have been able to detect, closely, that there are many different uses that El Quran gives to the term ??ra (inclination, exterior appearance) coming to a conclusion that The Quran did not include the term ??ra inside the semantic camp of idolatry. This explains the lack of image in the Quran. Therefore the scene has changed with the Hadiz text which is where the controversy surrounding image was originated, since within the prophetic texts and the Islamic jurisprudence the term ??ra means representation of living beings, statues, Idols, heads Etc. The change that the term has come to know in the linguistic koranic, Hadiz and jurisprudence use, has made me question the origin of the negative meanings presented both in the Hadiz and Islamic jurisprudence. The answer arrived after establishing an influence in the meanings of the term image in Judaism, Hadiz and then the islamic jurisprudence. Opening, also, to other theories that explain the position of Islam and its aniconic character. And finally I have measured the impact that the meanings of Hadiz and the Islamic jurisprudence have in the Arab-Islamic contemporary society that lives in a big contradiction between the multiplicities of the image on the predominant radical discourse, although it's not less true that for political, social and economical motives it's becoming weaker. I have come to verify that these negative meanings are still very much present especially when it comes to the representation of the Prophet Muhammad, as in the case of Majid Majid's movie. The new types and meanings of image, like photography we're also called ??ra and were submitted to the same interpretations as paintings or sculptures without making any distinction between them. The concept of ??ra in the Contemporary Society remains being a religious issue and still adopts statues and Idols, meanings that arrived much later with the prophetic tradition. So, the Koran does not give the terms with the root ?-w-r the meanings of idolatry, and the idea of image, like the representation of living beings is, in it, non-existent.