Propuesta de una nueva zonificación climática para edificación en el sur de Chile

  1. Verichev, Konstantin
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Montserrat Zamorano Toro Doktormutter
  2. Manuel Carpio Martínez Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 07 von Juli von 2021


Art: Dissertation


Correctly defined climate zones for buildings, considering meso- and microclimatic characteristics and high construction standards, allow the implementation of energyefficient buildings with minimal environmental impact. However, climate change is causing that the current classification of climate zones does not fit the existing climatic reality, so it is necessary to review and update the existing classifications.This is the case in Chile, and particularly in its southern regions, where the current climate zoning for building and building codes cannot guarantee implementation of energy-efficient dwellings. This is reflected in a high level of energy consumption for heating buildings, where the use of biomass predominates, resulting in problems of excessive air pollution in the most populated areas. Consequently, the aim of this thesis has been to develop a climate zoning proposal for residential buildings in southern regions of Chile, with a reproducible methodology that allows constant updating, mitigating, and adapting to climate change, thus reducing the effects on the environment in its heating, ventilation and air conditioning processes. For this purpose, in the five southern regions of the country, the suitability of the application of different climate zoning methods for buildings has been analysed, such as zoning based on heating-degree days, bioclimatic zoning, cluster zoning, two methodologies of the Spanish Technical Building Code, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers methodology, as well as the methodology applied to determine the optimal thermal transmittance for a building envelope in the context of climate change. As a result, a methodological proposal has been obtained that has made it possible to determine new climatic zones for buildings, as well as to provide recommendations for the design of the building envelope, based on two methodologies: the Spanish Technical Building Code and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. The projection made of the climatic zones of Spain and the United States on the study area will enable the implementation of housing projects in accordance with high energy standards, as well as a constant updating that will facilitate the development of dynamic building codes that will mitigate the effects of climate change, and the adaptation of buildings to them.