Valoración económica del Sistema de Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia en España.
Publisher: [s.n.:s.l.]
Year of publication: 2010
Pages: 78
Congress: Encuentro de Economía Pública (17. 2010. Murcia)
Type: Conference paper
Objective: Evaluation of some economic aspects of the implantation of Public Elderly Care Service (ECS)in Spain. Methodology: Econometric estimation over Macro-Survey of Disabilities, Deficiencies and Health Status in 1999. We utilize a intervals regression model that allow us to assess the implantation of ECS with special reference to gender bias. Results: The ECS could increase, in terms of domestic real GDP, the income of the majority of caregivers, who are family and women, up to 2.17%. Moreover, some limitations in the allocation of regional financial resources might be limiting the benefits of the process.. Conclusions: RCS allows obtaining potential benefits in both efficiency and equity of the economic system and stands as a powerful tool for creating and improving employment