Análisis de la percepción de los diferentes paisajes sonoros presentes en los entornos urbanos
- Torija Martínez, Antonio José
- Ruiz Padillo, Diego Pablo
- Ramos Ridao, Ángel
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Acústica
ISBN: 84-87095-17-8
Year of publication: 2009
Volume Title: Comunicaciones. Ruido. Sus efectos y control
Volume: 12
Congress: Congreso Español de Acústica ; Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica (40. 2009. Cádiz)
Type: Conference paper
The term soundscape can help to approach a multisectoral assessment of the sound environment, from a perspective of sustainable development, due to the fact that its main goal is the study and improvement of the existing relationship between the sound space and the life environment. The sound environment is considered like a mediator between the human being, his activities and the environment around him, so that depending on the characteristics of his environment (geography, climate, population, construction works, traffic, etc.) a series of sounds are going to be generated, with a few certain physical characteristics, but also with a particular meaning and under a context, which there are going to generate in the individual a series of feelings, thoughts, attitudes, etc. Therefore, the soundscape assessment cannot be realized only by means of an evaluation of its acoustic characteristics, but also another series of not acoustic variables, related to the environment, the aesthetics, the social context, sensitivity and habituation to the noise, attitude towards the noisy source, etc. must be evaluated. For which reason, in this work a study of the perception that the population has of the different urban soundscapes present in the city of Granada is approached, by means of the utilization of diverse tools as a questionnaire based on semantic differential and an evaluation based on physical and environmental variables.