Análisis de las necesidades formativas en posgrado de estudiantes de artes de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (Méjico)

  1. Gómez Flores, Ileana Guillermina
  2. Herrera Torres, Lucía
Identidades culturales: Educación, Artes y Humanidades
  1. Sadio Ramos, Fernando José (coord.)
  2. Ortiz Molina, María Angustias (coord.)

Publisher: Fernando Ramos

ISBN: 978-989-8486-13-4

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 93-94

Congress: Simpósio Internacional Educação Música Artes Interculturais (13. 2014. Ceuta)

Type: Conference paper


The aim of this study was to determine the training preferences for postgraduate studies from Bachelor students in the Arts Faculty of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Mexico). Participants were 386 students (42.2% men and 57.8% women) from the Bachelor´s Degree of Music (n = 143, 37.0%), Fine Arts (n = 97, 25.1%), Dance (n = 57, 14.8%) and Theater (n = 89, 23.1%). An ad hoc designed questionnaire was used to determine the training preferences in the following areas: Creativity, Teaching, Business Cultural Management, Administrative Cultural Management, and Research. Results showed that the areas of Creativity and Teaching were the most demanded, which can contribute to the decision making focused on training offer of new Masters in this university center.