Impacto de la violencia de género en el estado de salud física y psicoemocional de los hijos

  1. Mohamed Mohand, Laila
  2. Carracedo Cortiñas, Sandra
  3. Herrera Torres, Lucía
Identidades culturales: Educación, Artes y Humanidades
  1. Sadio Ramos, Fernando José (coord.)
  2. Ortiz Molina, María Angustias (coord.)

Publisher: Fernando Ramos

ISBN: 978-989-8486-13-4

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 73-74

Congress: Simpósio Internacional Educação Música Artes Interculturais (13. 2014. Ceuta)

Type: Conference paper


Recently scientists have noted that domestic violence affects all members of the family, especially the children. The children can be in two situations of risk. First, the children can be the victims of the same violence as their mothers. Secondly, the children can become witnesses, direct or indirect, of aggression. There are many authors (Appel y Holden, 1998; Edleson, 1999; Fantuzzo y Mohr, 1999; Graham-Bermann y Levendosky, 1998; Howelss y Rosenbaum, 2010) who show the high incidence of child abuse in domestic violence situations. Furthermore, Casanueva, Martin y Runyan (2009) have seen that often mothers, who are victims of physical violence abuse their children. The main focus of this work is to study the physical and psychological effects on children exposed to parental conflict and reflect on the new needs which arise from this situation.