Fomento del aprendizaje autorregulado en estudiantes de viento

  1. Solier Ortega, Manuel
  2. Herrera Torres, Lucía
Identidades culturales: Educación, Artes y Humanidades
  1. Sadio Ramos, Fernando José (coord.)
  2. Ortiz Molina, María Angustias (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Fernando Ramos

ISBN: 978-989-8486-13-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Orrialdeak: 91-92

Biltzarra: Simpósio Internacional Educação Música Artes Interculturais (13. 2014. Ceuta)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


The aim of this study was to promote self-regulated learning through awareness of one's own musical performance. 30 students of wind musical instruments from a local Music School belonging to a Music Band of the province of Granada (Spain) took part in the study. A training program was designed and implemented which focused on self-regulated learning stimulation by recording and reviewing musical performances on three consecutive musical performances. The students, individually, and the teacher had to identify in the review of the recording, note, articulation and rhythm errors. The results show, on the one hand, a decrease over time in the number of errors made by students, due to participation in the training program and, and on the other hand, a greater adjustment in the assessment of errors between the students and the teacher as they progress through the training program. Therefore, the effectiveness of using this methodology of teaching and learning, focusing on selfregulated learning, applied to the field of musical performance is demonstrated (Hewitt, 2001; Worthy, 2005).