Evaluación del programa para la salud y el bienestar de los mayores, desarrollado en el Aula Permanente de Formación Abierta de la Universidad de Granada

  1. Morales Hevia, María del Mar
Nuevos perfiles de alumnos en las Aulas de Mayores: reflexiones en torno a sus percepciones y expectativas sobre los Programas Universitarios para Mayores en España
  1. Juan Carlos Maroto martos (coord.)

Verlag: Editorial Universidad de Granada ; Universidad de Granada

ISBN: 978-84-338-5957-0

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Seiten: 97-109

Kongress: Encuentro Nacional de Programas Universitarios para Personas Mayores (14. 2015. Granada)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


Based on a comprehensive approach to health (bio-psycho-social) we propose methods to improve the health and wellbeing of people over the age of 50. Furthermore, this well established program of the University of Granada (1993-2015), is designed to encourage the active, participative lifestyle, autonomy and persona growth required for successful ageing. We also train people as “health workers” so they can transfer the knowledge acquired to their families and communities, thus contributing to collective health in their relationships. We show the evolution of the objectives, contents and program methodology, where we have maintained what works well and added changes based on student evaluations and assessment of the learning achieved. We conduct several research programs in health, wellbeing and happiness. Using surveys, medical records, questionnaires and personal experiences, we analyse data about what makes these people feel good, their main needs, motivations and concerns. We use the information to develop a lifestyle based on healthy habits and the management and optimization of their resources (knowledge and skills) in order to achieve positive ageing.