Modelo de análisis de las concepciones sobre matemática desde la etnomatemática
- Concesa Caballero Sahelices (coord.)
- Jesús Ángel Meneses Villagra (coord.)
- Moreira, Marco Antonio (coord.)
Editorial: Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional ; Universidad de Burgos
ISBN: 978-84-16283-21-7, 84-16283-21-4
Año de publicación: 2015
Páginas: 337-344
Congreso: Encuentro Iberoamericano sobre Investigación Básica en Educación en Ciencias (5. 2015. Burgos)
Tipo: Aportación congreso
Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible
We present a model for the analysis of the conceptions about mathematics from the ethnomathematical perspective, consisting of three dimensions, which have emerged in previous investigations (ALBANESE, 2014). Here we use the model to analyze the conceptions of a group of pre-service and in-service teachers participating in a workshop on the mathematics of traditional braids. In the workshop we propose an activity of inquiry of the language the artisans develop to describe the braided and we lead to a reflection on the mathematical knowledge as a human construction that depends on social and cultural factors. The results confirm some of the conclusions of the previous studies. The dimensions are very helpful to analyze the data and allow to identify some stages of development of these conceptions where the participants can be situated.