Metodología para la identificación de eventos sonoros anómalos

  1. Antonio J. Torija
  2. Diego P. Ruiz
  3. Ángel Ramos-Ridao
Tecniacústica 2008: conferencias y comunicaciones de Acústica 2008. V Congreso Ibérico de Acústica y Tecniacustica 2008; 39.º Congreso Español de Acústica. Coímbra, Portugal. octubre, 2008

Publisher: Sociedad Española de Acústica

Year of publication: 2008

Congress: Congreso Español de Acústica (39. 2008. Coimbra)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


One of the typical aspects of the urban soundscapes is the appearance of emergent sound signals or anomalous sound events, occurrences that generate the appearance of a great quantity of sound energy of a sudden way, in instantaneous intervals of time. From the point of view of the effect generated on the exposed population, besides the generation of a great annoyance level, due to the great quantity of sound energy that affects sharply on the population, this type of events generate an increase of sensitivity to the surrounding sound environment, increasing the perception of the environmental noise by means of the focusing of the attention to this type of sound events. Therefore, to characterize the present soundscape in the current urban agglomerations, it is necessary a tool to manage to detect this type of acoustically disturbing events. For it, in this work a methodology to detect, inside the sampled environmental noise data, the presence of instant events with a great quantity of sound energy is developed.