Las participaciones empresariales de la banca y las cajas de ahorros españolas, 1993-1998
ISSN: 0210-9107
Argitalpen urtea: 2000
Zenbakia: 84-85
Orrialdeak: 222-236
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Papeles de economía española
In the last few years the specialized literature has been devoting growing attention to the study of banking-industry relations. This interest is primarily focussed on a dual aspect: on the one hand, on the impact that these relations may have on a country's economic development (macroeconomic approach), and on the other, on their effects on the economic and financial structure of the entities (microeconomic approach).This study slots into the latter approach through analyzing the trends in Spanish bank and savings bank business holdings over the period 1992-1998. The study is done on the basis of the public and individual balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the entities, arranging them into five categories according to size. We review the most outstanding theoretical and empirical literature in the field of banking-industry relations and we examine the changes that have taken place in the international economic and financial context in the course of the period. After this we analyze the performance of their securities portfolio, in accordance with the legal nature and size of the entities, based on a study of the profitability and risk of alternative investments. Likewise, we analyze the sectorial distribution of the business holdings of a sample of the leading banks and savings banks.