"Historial de un libropresencia de los mitos y los dioses griegos en las obras de Luis Cernuda" Primera parte
ISSN: 1131-8848
Argitalpen urtea: 1991
Zenbakia: 2
Orrialdeak: 299-314
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Florentia Iliberritana: Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica
Cernuda relates in his Historial de un libro the stories connected with the making of the compilation of his poetical works, La realidad y el deseo. Following this book (Historial de un libro) we understand the true sense of his poems. We notice too that the ancient Greeks are a very important and a basic substract of his poetic conception. In this paper we have the opportunity of seeing how in La realidad y el deseo, from the first section "Primeras Poesias" to the one called "Donde habite el olvido", the Greeks myths and some kind of Greek sensibility are strategic points in his perception of the "poetic fact."