Los niveles de Bronce finalhierro antiguo y romanos en el yacimiento de Montealegre, Gorafe (Granada)

  1. López Marcos, Antonio
  2. Barturen Barroso, Francisco Javier
  3. Adroher Auroux, Andrés María
Florentia Iliberritana: Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica

ISSN: 1131-8848

Année de publication: 1993

Número: 4-5

Pages: 7-49

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Florentia Iliberritana: Revista de estudios de Antigüedad Clásica


In this paper we try to identify severals levels of the ocoupation during the IXth-VIth centuries B.C. and for roman times in an archaeological site at Gorafe, in to the south-west of Iberian Peninsule. One of the particularities of this site is that a regular structure has appeared; the principal discution is about it.