Nuevas Tecnologías y Didáctica de la Traduccióninnovación docente vía Internet

  1. Castro Prieto, María Rosa
  2. Villena Alvarez, Ignacio
  3. Olvera-Lobo, María-Dolores
  4. Muñoz Martín, Ricardo
  5. Robinson, Brian P.
Revista de Enseñanza Universitaria

ISSN: 1131-5245

Ano de publicación: 2003

Número: 21

Páxinas: 97-110

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Enseñanza Universitaria


Information technology represents a new challenge to University teachers, especially to those of us training future translators, teleworkers par excellence. The main objective of this innovative teaching project is to complement the mainstream coursework of subjects taught within the first degree programme in Translation and Interpreting, namely Documentation, Terminology, Scientific and technical translation, and Revision, editing, and text formatting, through a student-centred experiment that integrates both subjects and academic cycles. The website (, is where students and teachers meet, and the starting point for the teams to simulate the virtual working environment of a translation agency. The project can be carried either as an integral part of teaching the subjects involved, or as a complementary activity for fourth year students. We believe that out proposal makes a significant contribution to improving the quality of teaching at University level.