Optimización de los componentes temporales de la salida de atletismo a través del control de la información
- Oña Sicilia, Antonio
- Martínez Marín, Manuel
- Moreno Hernández, Francisco Javier
- Arellano Colomina, Raúl
- Serra de l'H, Enrique
ISSN: 1132-239X, 1988-5636
Any de publicació: 1993
Volum: 2
Número: 1
Pàgines: 5-15
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista de psicología del deporte
This research study was in the current field of the study of the Reaction Time in high velocity movements applied to the sportive performance (Arellano & Oña, 1987) , wich begin with an experiment on the Selective Attention in the Swing start, and now are continued by our Research Group of Analysis of Human Body Movements as one of their main fields of investigation (Oña, 1989; Martin, Padial & Serra, 1990; Oña et aI. , 1990; Martín, 1991). The aim of the study is to investigate the feedback effects on several parameters of the Reaction Response components. We chosse an athletic start as the movement sample. We design our experiment as an Intra-subject A-B type, considering two first level athlets for the speed course.
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