La pregnancia de mitos del artista en estudiantes de diversas facultades de bellas artes nacionalesPerfiles psicológicos y salidas profesionales.

  1. Sánchez Ruiz, Joaquín
  2. Durán Suárez, Jorge Alberto
  3. Alvira Juan, Miguel Ángel
Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen

ISSN: 1695-761X

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 8

Páxinas: 99-118

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen


«Impregnation of the myths of the artist among students of various national fine arts faculties. Psychological profiles and professional openings». This article explores how the idea that art students have of an artist’s personality evolves over their various stages of university training, by understanding that it can have relevant implications for new approaches towards teaching art. In the first place we will establish a brief framework for understanding how the artist’s job has evolved, by moving from the craftsman’s workshop to the Academy and from there to the University. This transmutation from craftsman to PhD has not been achieved without strain. That is why now that technological development and mass media appear to reconduct the practice of art into the broadest context of visual culture and that the artist appears to have lost his aura, we feel curious to learn what pupils’ perception is of the figure of the artist and to see whether their imagination holds on to the remains of ancient myths

Referencias bibliográficas

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