Creación colectiva audiovisual y cultura colaborativa onlineproyectos y estrategias
- Alberich Pascual, Jordi
- Roig Telo, Antoni
ISSN: 1697-8293
Datum der Publikation: 2010
Titel der Ausgabe: Conceptos y ámbitos de la interactividad
Ausgabe: 8
Nummer: 1
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Icono14
This article discusses the growing development of media projects of collective creation in and through the Internet. This will first explore the implications for redefining the traditional author-role that enable interactive multimedia systems, as well as its relationship with work strategies in collaborative network. After that, we focus our attention on the use and devel-opment of media free and open source software and resources, as a paradigmatic example of the growing vitality of a collaborative culture in contemporary media creation and production fields. Finally, the article concludes by setting the basic identifying keys of three different approaches in the examples of collective media creation analyzed in the course of our investigation.
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