Differences and relationship between standard and specific throwing test in handball according to the competitive and professional level
- Rivilla García, Jesús
- Sampedro Molinuevo, Javier
- Grande, Ignacio
- Chirosa Ríos, Luis Javier
- Gómez Ortiz, María José
ISSN: 1989-6239
Year of publication: 2011
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Type: Article
More publications in: Journal of sport and health research
The present study analyzed the differences in distance throwing with heavy and light medicine ball and throwing velocity between handball players of different competitive and professional level. Likewise, the relationship between the three throwing test of progressive specificity was analyzed: throwing with heavy medicinal ball (TH), throwing with light medicinal ball (TL) and throwing velocity (TV). For this purpose, sixty-five professional (P), semiprofessional (S) and non-professional (N) players were evaluated.
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