Importancia de las guías de trabajo autónomo en la educación virtualExperiencias en el aprendizaje online de estadística aplicada con Moodle

  1. Aguilera del Pino, Ana María
  2. Escabias Machuca, Manuel
  3. Aguilera Morillo, María del Carmen
Investigación Operacional

ISSN: 0257-4306

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 32

Issue: 2

Pages: 160-167

Type: Article

More publications in: Investigación Operacional


Virtual and e-learning programs are increasingly important in the world of higher education. The use of new technologies of information and communication (NTIC) for distance education makes possible that more people can achieve their educational goals. Currently, most universities have a virtual campus with a wide range of online courses. In virtual education, the protagonist of the teaching-learning process is the student who takes responsibility for his own learning through a proactive and participatory attitude. Furthermore, the implementation of the european credit transfer system (ECTS) in higher education gives more importance to students' personal work. All this makes imperative the application of a teaching methodology based on learning by discovery. Such way of learning is achieved through the development of self-learning tutorials that increase students independence and responsibility, while respecting their different rhythms of learning. In this work, we present an experience of using self-learning tutorials in an online course of the Master in Applied Statistics of the University of Granada. This course is developed with the e-learning platform moodle offered by the virtual learning center of this university (CEVUG).