Causas de las variaciones de la conductividad eléctrica del agua subterránea en el acuífero Motril-Salobreña, España.

  1. Rodriguez, Corina Iris
  2. Duque, Carlos
  3. Calvache Quesada, María Luisa
  4. López-Chicano, Manuel

ISSN: 0213-683X

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 49

Pages: 107-110

Type: Article

More publications in: Geogaceta


This work aims to describe different hydrological processes that affect to the detrital aquifer of Motril- Salobreña through the analysis of groundwater electrical conductivity. Monthly measurements of electrical conductivity were taken for four hydrological years, between 2001 and 2008 from 20 wells located in the area. The information was analyzed in two ways: temporal and spatial variation. The results show that electrical conductivity values are lower near the river due to its recharge effect and increase to the West and especially to the Eastern zone. The values oscillate during the year with reductions during the periods with precipitation and high river flow. Moreover the electrical conductivity variations showed differences according to the zone of the aquifer. This fact demonstrates the necessity to evaluate rainfall, Guadalfeo river flow, land uses and pollution sources in the study area as main causes which generate changes in the groundwater quality.