Autor, discurso y poder: el cine de vanguardia

  1. Martínez Rodrigo, Estrella
  2. Sánchez Martín, Lourdes
  3. Segura García, Rosario

ISSN: 1697-8293

Ano de publicación: 2012

Título do exemplar: El cine ante las transformaciones tecnológicas y los flujos comunicativos globales

Volume: 10

Número: 1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Icono14


The avant-garde artists of the twen-tieth century inaugurated a groundbreaking and different speech exists in the art world at the moment. This article aims to deepen and clarify these statements and the relationship, never before mentioned, between the thought of Foucault and the avant-garde films. Thus, we refer to the author function and its relationship with the work, through the attribu-tion of ownership, not as it occurs in other speeches. Second, it displays the transdiscursive of cutting-edge productions, finally, inform the power relations intrinsic to the avant-garde movements. For these reasons, as well as the consequences thereof, we believe that avant-garde discourse, evident in films made by these movements, is an exceptional and unique speech.

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