High pressure mineral assemblages in the Trevenque Unit(Central Alpujárrides, Andalucía)

  1. Azañón Hernández, José Miguel
  2. García Dueñas, Víctor
  3. Goffé, Bruno

ISSN: 0213-683X

Ano de publicación: 1991

Número: 11

Páxinas: 81-84

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geogaceta


The Trevenque Unit is located in the Alpujarride Complex. In this unit, the Fe-Mg carpholite, cloritoid, chlorite, kyanite aragonite assemblages show metamorphic evolution at HP-LT conditions The metamorphic peal< is estimated to have been at 400-4500 C and at least 10 Kb. The pressure conditions in the Alpujarride Complex are similar to those observed in the underlying Nevado-Filabrides Complex