Depresión y ansiedadinfluencia de un programa de rehabilitación cardiaca
- Méndez Nieto, Sara
- García Hernández, Pascual
- Nieto García, Emilia
- Lerma Barba, María Dolores
- Montoya Juárez, Rafael
- Schmidt Río-Valle, Jacqueline
ISSN: 1138-7262
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 16
Issue: 10
Type: Article
More publications in: Metas de enfermería
Objective: to determine the impact of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation Programs (CPRPs) on anxiety and depression in participant patients. Material and methods: before-and-after intervention study, in the Unit of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Hospital Universitario San Cecilio in Granada (Spain), through the Goldberg Depression and Anxiety Questionnaire. The CPRP determines 12 training sessions for low risk and 24 sessions for moderate and high risk. Contrast hypothesis tests were conducted through Student�s t-test and ANOVA. Results: the sample included 41 patients, 80.5% male and 19.5 female, with an average 56.46 years of age. The cardiologic risk was 31.7% for low risk, 43.9% for moderate risk, and 24.4% presented high risk. The prevalence of depression and anxiety before the program was very high, 85.4% and 73.2% respectively. The level of education of patients, their gender, and cardiologic risk were not significantly associated with the anxiety, depression, and total Goldberg scores, neither before the intervention nor post-intervention. There was a significant reduction (p= 0.000) in said scores after the CPRP. Conclusions: after the intervention program, there was evidence of a statistically significant reduction in the total score of the Goldberg Questionnaire, and in the anxiety and depression sub-scales. There was an important reduction in the prevalence of anxiety (51%) and depression (31.7%).
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