Las obligaciones derivadas de pagarés ante el sistema europeo de competencia judicial internacionalpropuestas de solución alternativa frente a los excesos de la interpretación autónoma

  1. Esteban de la Rosa, Fernando
La Ley Unión Europea

ISSN: 2255-551X

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 5

Pages: 32-44

Type: Article

More publications in: La Ley Unión Europea


This paper aims to examine ECJ Judgment of March the 14th, 2013, in the case C 419/11 Èeská spoøitelna, a.s. v Gerald Feichter on the application of Articles 5(1)(a) and 15(1) of the Brussels I Regulation �to an obligation derived from a promissory note. The autonomous interpretation proposed by the Court, somewhat forced in this ambit, fails to render the expected results and seems to remain in a legal limbo. Whilst the inclusion of this kind of obligation in the contractual matters is to be embraced, the autonomous interpretation does not reach satisfactory results, producing changes in the legal regime of the promissory note. In order to avoid such mishaps, this paper proposes to complete the autonomous interpretation with a lege causae qualification in various respects