Estudio del modelo de priorización motivacional en la enseñanza práctica de la histología en estudiantes de España y Argentina

  1. Rodríguez, Ismael Ángel
  2. Campos Sánchez, Antonio
  3. Rodríguez, Mario Aníbal
  4. González Andrades, Miguel
  5. Ximenes Oliveira, Ana Celeste
  6. Garzón Bello, Ingrid
  7. Alaminos Mingorance, Miguel
Actualidad médica

ISSN: 0365-7965

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Liburukia: 95

Zenbakia: 781

Orrialdeak: 35-40

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Actualidad médica


The incidence of motivational factors on the practical formation of University students has not been studied in deep. In this work, we studied a group of motivational factors in order to determine the priority model that the Dentistry students establish in relation to their practical formation in Histology. This study was carried out in two universities: the University of Granada, Spain, and the National University of Cordoba, Argentina. The results showed that the highest scores of the motivational chart analyzed here, corresponded to those interests that were associated to the future professional success in the field of Dentistry -diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness and acquisition of abilities-, especially in students from Argentina. The lowest scores were found for factors related to motivational desires associated to self-satisfaction, such as curiosity and pleasure of knowledge. The results are discussed in relationship with the geographical origin and motivational psicopedagogy.