Los nuevos paradigmas de la Teoría de Juegos desde la globalización

  1. Esquivel Sánchez, Francisco Javier 1
  2. Esquivel Guerrero, José Antonio 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Universidad de Granada
  2. 2 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04njjy449

Revista de Paz y Conflictos

ISSN: 1988-7221

Any de publicació: 2015

Volum: 8

Número: 1

Pàgines: 25-40

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de Paz y Conflictos


Games Theory constitutes a model by means every player tries to predict what they will make the other players in reply to his own actions, and to optimize the result of the above mentioned actions in his benefit knowing that the others are thinking to about the same form. The development of the theory supposed a boom after the World War II, which happened of analyzing exclusively competitive behaviors to considering situations with competitive and cooperative characteristics. Nevertheless, the advance of the humanity and the disappearance of both geopolitical blocks have eliminated the balance of power and have produced the emergence of a world the most based on the exclusive conquest of the power. This has originated the model change and dilemmas, happening from the most cooperative models (Prisoner’s Dilemma) or from the models of the Cold War (Dilemma of the Gallina) up to reaching the dilemmas of the Leader or of the Hero. This change of paradigm owes to the extension of the globalization, which originates an immeasurable loss of economic, social, political power, of human rights, which they have affected negatively to the poor people. In this paper is studied the change of paradigm caused by the consequences of the globalization and the geopolitical transformations in a monopolar world, analyzing the consequences on the basis of the Theory of Games.

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