Realidad y necesidades formativas del profesorado en ejercicio en la provincia autónoma de Irbid (Jordania)

  1. Domingo Segovia, Jesús
  2. Shboul, Qassim
Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas

ISSN: 0214-8560

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 48

Orrialdeak: 17-40

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Edetania: estudios y propuestas socio-educativas


This study provides an overview of the training needs of practicing teachers in the autonomous province of Irbid (Jordan). This training is an essential element of the Jordanian educational policy to meet the new educational challenges of today's society and for the improvement of education in this country. Studies about the subject in this context indicate that there are problems in the organization and design of these training activities. So it interested to ask teachers about their needs and how much they are and can be addressed. It opts for an exploratory descriptive non experimental methodological approach, which uses survey study and inferential research. It used a questionnaire to a representative sample of this region. It analyzes both the perception of reality of lifelong learning, the desire to believe how teachers should develop. Establishing training needs based on the significant differences between reality and desire. The results show clearly that teachers are not satisfied and they do not value the continuing education received. But they believes, however, that this is very important for the development of profession and to fulfil their educational function. It demand their participation in the design, increased time commitment and improving the contents and training strategies.

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