Exploiting interlanguage corporaa tentative proposal
Universidad de Jaén
ISSN: 1137-005X
Argitalpen urtea: 2007
Zenbakia: 14
Orrialdeak: 23-40
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: The Grove: Working papers on English studies
This article presents a pilot version of an error tagging system for the analysis of language errors in Spanish corpora of learner English. The available error tagging systems for learner corpora are often in-house tools offering general classifi cations of errors. However, a detailed error tagging system seems necessary for fruitful interlanguage research. The error tagger described here is intended to provide detailed descriptions of errors specifi c to Spanish learners of English. The error classifi cations and the tagset were infered from a portion of a longitudinal corpus of learner English collected at the University of Granada, Spain.