Cansancio emocional en estudiantes universitarios

  1. Herrera Torres, Lucía 1
  2. Mohamed Mohand, Laila 1
  3. Cepero Espinosa, Sergio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Dedica. Revista de Educação e Humanidades

ISSN: 2182-018X 2182-0171

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 9

Seiten: 173-191

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Dedica. Revista de Educação e Humanidades


This paper aims to measure emotional exhaustion among university students. For it, 187 university students from the Faculty of Education and Humanities of the University of Granada in Melilla Campus took part in the study. The instrument used was the Emotional Exhaustion Scale (EES) of Ramos; Manga; Morán (2005). The reliability and construct validity of the questionnaire were calculated. The results showed that the scales "Emotional Exhaustion" and "Satisfaction with the study" differed by gender. Similarly, differences in the first scale depending on the degree and the course were found. Age was not significant. In addition, the "Selfesteem" scale correlated with the two previously mentioned scales.

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