Estudio comparativo sobre la efectividad de sellador de fisuras y barniz de flúor en distintas superficies dentarias: Ensayo comunitario a 48 meses
- Manuel Bravo Pérez
- I. García-Anllo Reinoso
- P. Baca García
- J. C. Llodra Calvo
- P. Junco Lafuente
ISSN: 0213-4144
Argitalpen urtea: 1996
Alea: 12
Zenbakia: 11
Orrialdeak: 717-723
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Archivos de odontoestomatología
The aim of this study was to analyze the caries reduction on fissured and non-fissured surfaces for children receiving only sealants versus only fluoride varnish in permanent first molars. A 48 month-community trial was conducted with three groups of six- to eight-year-old schoolchildren, comprised of a sealant group (n=92), in which Delton was applied, a varnish group (n=95), in which Duraphat was applied, and a control group (n=105). Absolute and percent caries reductions (DMFS) were analyzed at 48 months, by comparing the DMFS increments in the three groups. Compared to the controls, sealants offer a 61% and 60% percent caries reduction on fissured and non-fissured surfaces, respectively. The corresponding figures for varnish are 36% and 61%. It is concluded that sealant and fluoride varnish are effective in preventing both the fissured and non-fissured surface caries.