The dark side of ISO 14001The symbolic environmental behavior
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 2444-8834
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Pages: 33-39
Type: Article
More publications in: European Research on Management and Business Economics
Some of the academic research on ISO 14001 has focused on analyzing the benefits of its adoption. However, this international standard has also received some criticism, particularly in respect of the adoption of ISO 14001 when not accompanied by significant improvements in environmental performance. This study analyzes the relationship between the symbolic environmental behavior and the adoption of ISO 14001. In so doing, it uses binary logistic regression to analyze an international sample of 1961 manufacturing facilities that each employs more than 50 people. The results indicate that the higher the symbolic environmental performance of the firm, the greater the probability of adopting ISO 14001.
Funding information
Vera Ferrón Vílchez thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education (Research Project ECO2012 31780), the Andalusian Regional Government (Research Project P11-SEJ7988)Funders
Spanish Ministry of Education
- ECO2012 31780
Junta de Andalucía
- P11-SEJ7988
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