El fortalecimiento del valor civil. Los cuerpos civiles de paz

  1. Mario López-Martínez
Ambitos: revista de estudios de ciencias sociales y humanidades

ISSN: 1575-2100

Année de publication: 2016

Número: 36

Pages: 29-43

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Ambitos: revista de estudios de ciencias sociales y humanidades


The civilian peace corps are a generic term for a set of experiences of intervention and conflict transformation tools worldwide featuring ordinary people in civil society, which are able to risk their lives and to defend human rights and a just peace in places that we would consider dangerous. From a nonviolent philosophy and precedents in Gandhi’s Shanti-Sena, have been developing multiple historical experiences and methodological. This article aims to approach this complex phenomenon from contemporary historical roots, building new paradigms of conflict prevention and the complex psychological profile of ordinary people who sometimes become heroes or heroines to their regret.

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