Validation of Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in elite athletes through a structural equation model

  1. Marta Olmo Extremera 1
  2. Eva Olmedo Moreno 1
  3. Mar Cepero González 1
  4. Felix Zurita Ortega 1
  5. Rosario Padial Ruz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Granada, España
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación

ISSN: 1579-1726 1988-2041

Ano de publicación: 2017

Título do exemplar: Análisis del rendimiento deportivo

Número: 32

Páxinas: 96-100

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación


Resilience is a psychological characteristic that encourages positive adaptation in the face of adversity (Connor & Davidson, 2003; Grotberg, 2001; Wagnild & Young, 1990). It has seldom been studied within the field of sports but, in the last years the studies began to be more common (Fletcher & Sarkar, 2012; Galli & Vealey, 2012; García- Secades et al., 2015). This work has as purposes, to adapt the resilience scale (CDRISC) for the sport field, to confirm its psychometrics properties and to analyses, validation its internal consistency in a population of elite athletes in different sports. The scale was administered to a sample of 287 athletes, 76.7% male and 23.3% female, determined by four levels of competition; 21.5% professionals, 21.3% semi-professionals, 43.9% amateur and 9.8% enthusiastic. It was an analysis based on structural equations modelling (SEM) encompassed within confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and its internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha). The results verified that the modelling of structural equation, the model for measuring the questionnaire and the covariant structure of the responses obtained have a good fit. Thus, the CD-RISC scale has shown itself to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring the resilience of elite athletes and it can also be used to measure psychological parameters related to the field of sports.

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